can tooth infections spread

Can Tooth Infections Spread? Avoiding Panic and Overcoming Pain

Can Tooth Infections Spread?

Wondering can tooth infections spread? Well, the short answer is yes, there is a possibility of tooth infections spreading in multiple ways. If you think you have a tooth infection, contact your dental professional right away.

This article will outline the causes of tooth infections, the warning signs, and what can be done to heal the infection as quickly as possible.

Table of Contents

Can Tooth Infections Spread? Common Causes of Tooth Infections

There are several ways a tooth infection can occur. Where the infection is in your mouth can affect the severity and symptoms. Here are 3 common causes of tooth infections:

Periapical Abscess

This is a tooth infection that is present at the tip of the tooth’s root. It’s caused by bacteria entering the pulp chamber holding the nerves. An untreated cavity is usually the culprit of this type of infection. 

Gingival Abscess

This is an infection in the mouth that presents itself in the gum tissue. This can be caused by a foreign body such as a piece of toothpick, toothbrush bristle, or popcorn kernel. It can also be caused by the introduction of bacteria from objects like fingernails or chewing on pens.

Periodontal Abcess

This type of infection will be present in the gum pocket and affects the periodontal ligaments surrounding the tooth. This is most commonly caused by unstable gum disease called periodontal disease.

The aggressive bacteria involved causes an infection in the gums leading to bone loss and a deepening of the pockets around the teeth.

Can a Tooth Infection Spread? Warning Signs

tooth pain

Can tooth infections spread? Yes, but only if they are left untreated. It’s important to know the symptoms so you can visit your dentist as soon as possible.

Symptoms Include:

  • Throbbing tooth pain
  • Sensitivity to any pressure on the tooth
  • Pulsating pain in the jaw, ear, or neck that originates from a tooth
  • An open, draining sore in the mouth
  • Sensitivity to cold or warm temperatures that linger
  • Pain that increases when you lie down
  • Swelling in the cheek
  • Tender and/or swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Continual bad breath

It’s extremely important that you visit your dental health provider as soon as possible if you’re experiencing these symptoms or suspect that you have a tooth infection. Don’t wait until you need to ask ‘can a tooth infection spread?’ Be proactive!

Where can tooth infections spread?

Your mouth contains several different nerves and blood vessels. Each tooth also has a nerve and its own blood supply. Through the various nerves and blood vessels in the mouth, a tooth infection can spread and possibly be fatal.

Can Tooth Infections Spread in Mouth?

Infections in the mouth can spread to different areas. For example, a cavity is an infection in the tooth structure and it can not spread to neighboring teeth.

However, the active bacteria involved in the cavity can spread throughout your mouth. Infections in the gum tissue can spread to different areas of the mouth compromising the surrounding ligaments and bone structure.

Can a Tooth Infection Spread to Other Parts of the Body?

Since each tooth has a nerve and blood supply in the innermost layer, an untreated infection will continue to spread until it reaches the nerve. Once it reaches the nerve and blood supply, the infection can continue to spread through blood vessels.

Two common and serious ways the infection can spread are to the heart (Endocarditis) and to the brain (Bacterial Meningitis). This is a major reason of why it’s so important to see your dental professional as soon as you suspect a tooth infection.

Can Tooth Infections Spread? Your Dental Team Can Help

Diagnosing A Tooth Infection

To confirm a tooth infection, your dental professional will take an x-ray to show the whole tooth in the bone. A CT scan may be needed as well if the infection is present in the bone or tissue.

An infection will show as a radiolucency on the image. Your dentist may prescribe an antibiotic before any dental work is completed. Most cases will result in a root canal or extraction.

Check out our article Tooth Extraction Healing Stages to learn more about root canals and extractions.

How to Prevent Tooth Infections

Good preventative practices are key to keeping a healthy mouth. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, so it’s important to control the bacteria daily to maintain overall health.

Here are 3 major factors that can help prevent tooth infections:

  • Home Care: Have an established oral hygiene routine. Brush 2 times a day for 2 minutes and floss every day. Check out our Healthy Smile Guide for more tips.
  • Nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet that is high in fruits and veggies and low in acids and sugar. Our Dental Nutrition Guide shows how a balanced diet is a key factor in controlling bacteria in your mouth.
  • Routine Dental Visits: Preventative care with your dental professionals will help stabilize bacteria. Schedule dental cleanings at least every 6 months. Rarely, some infections can be present with no symptoms that are found on routine dental x-rays.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for a tooth infection to spread?

Depending on the severity, it can take a few months for an abscess to develop. After the abscess is formed, it can take weeks to months for the infection to spread. Consult your dental team right away with any signs of infections.

Can a tooth infection get in your bloodstream?

Yes, a tooth infection can travel through the many blood vessels present in the mouth and cause sepsis. The infection can spread to your heart and brain. 

Can a dentist pull an infected tooth?

It is important to treat the route cause of a tooth infection. Your dentist may want to prescribe an antibiotic before a tooth extraction. Active infections can take more local anesthesia to fully numb and may prolong healing. 

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