cavities under gums cavities near gum line cavity under the gum cavities under the gum line cavity under gum

Can You Get A Cavity Under The Gum Line?

Can You Get A Cavity Under The Gum?

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to get a cavity under the gum, then you’re in the right place. Cavities under the gum line CAN occur if the bacteria in your mouth are not controlled daily through good oral hygiene.

Over 90% of adults have had at least one cavity, making them a very common medical problem. Getting a cavity under the gum can lead to infections and tooth loss if not treated by a dentist.

This article will break down what causes cavities under the gums and how they’re treated. I’ll also go over the best ways to keep your smile strong and avoid cavities near gum line. 

Table of Contents

What Is A Cavity Under The Gum Line?

cavities under gums cavities near gum line cavity under the gum cavities under the gum line cavity under gum

Cavities occur when the bacteria in the mouth produce harmful acid that weakens the tooth and causes decay. If left untreated, the cavity will continue to grow leading to pain and sensitivity.

Once the cavity reaches the inner layers of the tooth, a root canal or an extraction may be needed.

Cavities under gums can be sneaky since you can’t easily see them. This gives them the opportunity to get larger faster. Thankfully your dentist can still find this type of cavity and help keep your smile strong.

Signs You Might Have A Cavity Under The Gum

The larger the cavity, the more pain and sensitivity you will feel. Since you can’t easily see cavities under gums, there may be other clues that you have a problem.

Signs and symptoms you have a cavity under gum line include:

  • Tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that radiates down the tooth
  • Sensitivity to sweets, especially sticky candies and gummies
  • Tooth sensitivity to pressure when biting down
  • Spontaneous discomfort without any cause for it
  • Swollen gums that bleed easily in one spot

To learn more, check out our article Signs of Cavities.

Causes of Cavities Under Gums

Cavities occur when the harmful bacteria in the mouth aren’t controlled daily. Cavities near the gum line are caused by poor oral hygiene habits. This can look like brushing only once a day, not flossing, or having a poor diet. 

There are also other factors that can lead to weakened enamel and make you at a higher risk for cavities under gums. Mouth breathing, dry mouth, and clenching and grinding can play a role in tooth decay.

How Do You Fix A Cavity Under The Gum Line?

cavities under gums cavities near gum line cavity under the gum cavities under the gum line cavity under gum

Thankfully, cavities near the gum line can be fixed by your dentist to keep your smile strong. Cavities are most commonly treated with white dental fillings but if large enough may need a crown. Your dentist will you similar steps to the ones we have listed below.

  1. Dental X-Rays: Radiographs are needed to see inside the tooth structure to determine the severity of the cavity. It will also show if there are any other cavities present in the mouth that may not have any symptoms. 
  2. Treatment Planning: Your dentist will determine the best restoration for the tooth based on your present symptoms and signs of cavities and the x-ray.
  3. Anesthesia: The dentist will make sure you’re comfortable throughout the whole appointment. They will use a topical gel to numb the gums before numbing the nerves of the tooth. Some dentists have access to nitrous sedation to make you more comfortable.
  4. Restoring the Tooth: Your dentist and dental assistant will clean out the infected portion of the tooth. They will then build back up the tooth structure to function properly. 

Check out our article How Much Do Cavities Cost to Fill to learn more. 

How to Prevent Cavities Under The Gum Line

Cavities under gums can be prevented with good oral hygiene habits. Your homecare routine, diet, and preventative dental appointments are key to supporting a strong smile.


There are millions of bacteria in the mouth that have the ability to create a cavity. It is important to mechanically remove the bacteria along with their food source every day in order to remineralize a small cavity. 

  • Brushing: Brushing 2 times a day for 2 minutes will effectively remove the food, plaque, and bacteria from two-thirds of the tooth’s surface. Using an electric toothbrush can be more efficient and effective.
  • Flossing: Flossing daily is the only way to remove the food, plaque, and bacteria from the remaining one-third of the tooth’s surface. It is very important in treating a small cavity and is best to do before sleeping.
  • Remineralizing Toothpaste: Using a toothpaste that can remineralize the teeth will work with your toothbrush to heal small cavities. After brushing, do not rinse for at least 30 minutes. This will allow your tooth enough time to absorb the benefits.
      • Your dental office can prescribe you a stronger remineralizing toothpaste.


Dental nutrition is an equally important component in preventing cavities near the gum line. Eating a supportive diet will help your teeth stay healthy and reduce bacteria’s harmful activities in the mouth.

  • Sugar: All sugar is consumed by bacteria in the same way regardless of if it’s organic, vegan, or natural sugar. Cavity-causing bacteria will consume sugar and produce acid to weaken the enamel. 
  • Water: Frequent sips of water throughout the day will help neutralize bacteria and acid in the mouth. Staying hydrated is important to supporting your saliva flow which neutralizes bacteria.
      • Most bottled water has an acidic pH that aids in the bacteria process.
  • Healthy Food for Teeth: A well-balanced diet is important in supporting oral health. Foods high in calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and phosphorous are important in strengthening your teeth and bone.
      • Feed bacteria less by eating more meals and snacking less.

Our Dental Nutrition Guide has more tips on healing eating for oral health.

Help From A Dental Team

Scheduling routine dental visits at least every 6 months is very important in keeping your smile healthy and preventing cavities under gums. Your dental team will help diagnose and prevent oral diseases to improve the overall health of the body.

  • Dental X-Rays: Radiographs are important in diagnosing small cavities and monitoring the progression through the tooth’s layers. 
  • Dental Cleanings and Exams: Your dental hygienist will skillfully remove calcified plaque and bacteria between the teeth and under the gums where the toothbrush and floss cannot reach. 
  • Fluoride Treatments: Professional strength fluoride treatments can help remineralize teeth fast and prevent cavity progression. It can also help improve dental sensitivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fix a cavity under the gum line?

Fixing a cavity under the gum line is similar to fixing cavities in other areas of the tooth. Your dentist may use different materials since it can be harder to isolate the cavity while treating it.

What causes tooth decay below the gum line?

Tooth decay is caused by uncontrolled bacteria. Your cavities might be caused by poor oral hygiene, a poor diet, or inadequate preventative dental visits. Certain lifestyle factors may also increase your cavity risk like dry mouth or smoking.

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