dental hygienist work life balance

How to Achieve a Positive Dental Hygienist Work Life Balance

A Positive Dental Hygienist Work Life Balance

Dental hygienists play a crucial role in maintaining the oral health of individuals with precision and patient well-being takes center stage. Yet, amidst the dedicated pursuit of excellence in their profession, a dental hygienist work life balance can be difficult to maintain.

As an active working dental hygienist in a high-volume office for over 10 years, I have attained an equilibrium between my personal and professional life. In this article, I provide my best tips for a dental hygienist work life balance in the office and outside the job.

Table of Contents

Tips for a Dental Hygienist Work Life Balance

dental hygienist work life balance

Maintaining a work life balance is important for the well-being and job satisfaction of any professional, including dental hygienists. All dental professionals are subjected to the physical toll the job demands which can lead to burnout and early retirement.

Here are some tips to help dental hygienists achieve a healthier balance between their work and personal lives.

In The Office

Finding an equilibrium between your professional and personal life starts with evaluating your work environment. It’s very easy to take on a heavy schedule to show good production numbers. Over time, this will lead to professional burnout and possibly permanent damage to your body.

Whether you’re a newer grad or a seasoned veteran, a dental hygienist work life balance is vital in creating a positive career that you’re proud to succeed in.

Optimizing Your Daily Schedule

As you get to know your patients, you’ll be able to develop a smooth flowing daily schedule with the help of your front desk team. Most dental software will have tools to block out what patients are appropriate at certain times of the day. This will help the whole office be on the same page before your day starts.

  • Stagger harder patients such as Scaling and Root Planning or New Patient Comprehensive Appointments throughout the day to avoid fatigue.
  • Write notes on the appointment blocks such as x-rays, scans, exams, or probing.

Below is an example of how I would organize a smooth-flowing schedule.

dental hygienist work like balance

Time Management

Daily time management is crucial in maintaining a dental hygienist work life balance. Although not every day can be smooth and predictable, finding your flow in the office and sticking to it will help optimize patient care and prevent daily fatigue.

  • If possible, arrive 30 minutes before your first patient appointment to help organize your operatory, audit the schedule, and prepare the necessary equipment and instruments.
  • Prioritize tasks and focus on high-priority activities first.
  • Avoid procrastination and set realistic deadlines for yourself.
  • Ask for support throughout the day if you need assistance with tasks such as x-rays, operatory turnover, or sterilization.

Check out our daily patient planner to help you stay organized and assist in clinical notes. This product is a digital download and can be printed on demand as needed.

Setting Boundaries

 This is the most important aspect of a dental hygienist work life balance.

Dental hygienists are compassionate people who tend to put their patients’ and coworkers’ needs before their own. This can be especially true if your office is more corporate than private and emphasizes production.

I am a firm believer in 1-hour appointments for adult recall appointments. The only time I will accept 45-minute appointments is if an exam isn’t needed or you have a dental assistant to take x-rays, turn over your operatory, and sterilize the instruments and equipment. This prioritizes patient care, prevents physical burnout, and will optimize production at the same time.

  • Clearly define your working hours and stick to them.
  • It is a federal law that your employer must provide a 30-minute lunch break if working a full day. You may be entitled to additional breaks depending on your working hours and local jurisdiction. 

If you continue to receive negative feedback from your employer with no support from Human Resources, then this office is not the right fit. The job outlook for dental hygiene will continue to grow and new opportunities will present themselves.

Utilize Technology

Dental technology continues to grow and adapt to this evolving profession. Utilizing the correct technology and preparing the necessary equipment for each appointment will help streamline patient care and lead to a smooth day.

  • Intra-oral cameras are a great tool to provide efficient patient education while supporting the clinical notes.
  • Explore tools and technologies that can help streamline tasks and improve efficiency such as hands-free suctioning systems and hands-free probing headsets.
  • Make notes of what technology works best for each patient in their dental chart. This may be as simple as intra-oral sensor sizes work best for them.

Certain technology can also help prevent physical fatigue and improve ergonomics. Check out our articles The Best Dental Loops in Dentistry and The Best Saddle Chairs For Dental Hygienists to see if they can help support your career.

Out of the Office

dental hygienist work life balance

Maintaining a dental hygienist work life balance requires effort outside of the dental office. It’s important to support your well being to help improve career longevity and prevent physical fatigue. 

Below are some tips I found useful as a practicing dental hygienist with a physically demanding work load.

Maintaining Physical Well Being

Physical well-being plays a crucial role in supporting a dental hygienist in their career. The demands of the profession can be physically taxing, requiring sustained focus, precision, and endurance.

  • Proper posture and body mechanics, supported by physical fitness, can help prevent musculoskeletal issues and injuries often associated with the repetitive motions and prolonged periods of standing or sitting in dentistry.
  • Engaging in strength training and flexibility exercises can help prevent common injuries associated with dental hygiene work, such as strains, sprains, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Daily stretching before and after work can help prepare and recuperate a demanding day in the dental office.

Prioritize Self Care

Dental hygienists, like any healthcare professionals, can benefit greatly from incorporating self-care practices into their routines. By prioritizing self-care, dental hygienists can enhance their overall well-being, resilience, and job satisfaction.

  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to enhance mental well-being and promote relaxation.
  • Prioritize a balanced diet with nutritious meals and snacks to support overall health and energy levels throughout the day.
  • Dedicate time to hobbies or activities that bring joy and relaxation, whether it’s reading, painting, gardening, or any other interests.

Expand Continuing Education

Expanding continuing education can play a pivotal role in helping dental hygienists maintain a healthy work-life balance by fostering professional growth, increasing efficiency, and enhancing job satisfaction.

Advanced education and specialized training open doors to career advancement. This may include opportunities for leadership roles or positions with more flexible schedules, allowing for a better work-life balance.

There are many great continuing education programs for dental hygienists to utilize. Some of my favorite are Dental CE Academy and Dentalcare.

Take Home Smile Store

Visit our Take Home Smile Store for educational products and printables to help with oral hygiene in patients and improve your daily workflow. Some products even come with a customizable feature to support your dental office.

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