gum grafting cost

What to Expect for the Gum Grafting Cost in 2023

Budgeting for the Gum Grafting Cost in 2023

Gum grafting is a specialized procedure used to improve the health of your gums. The gums play an important role in providing protection and support to the teeth. The gum grafting cost will vary depending on the needs of your smile.

In this article, we will break down the gum grafting cost and the reasons why this surgical procedure may be important to maintain your oral health.

Table of Contents

Budgeting for the Gum Grafting Cost

The gum grafting cost is made up of the time it takes in the dental chair, what anesthesia is used, the necessary materials, and the precise technique used by your dental professional. The gum grafting price may vary depending on the size of the graft and other variables that need to be addressed to be successful.

What is Gum Grafting

gum grafting cost

Gum grafting is a common surgical procedure where a small piece of gum tissue is taken from one area of the mouth and used in another area of the mouth where the gum is compromised. After, the gums will go through the gum grafting healing process. The most common reason why gum grafting is needed is gum recession.

Gum recession is where the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth’s roots. This can happen due to a variety of factors, including trauma, gum disease, genetics, and even brushing too hard. These factors may influence the gum grafting cost.

During the gum grafting procedure, a small piece of tissue is taken from an area of the patient’s own gums that are healthy and thick enough, usually the roof of the mouth. This tissue is then carefully stitched where the gum grafting is needed and then goes through the gum grafting healing stages. 

Reasons For Gum Grafting

Some reasons why you may need gum grafting are to protect the exposed tooth roots, improve the appearance of the gums, and help prevent further damaging gum recession and bone loss. The reason why you need this procedure may influence the gum grafting cost.

There are several reasons why a person may need gum grafting which may influence the gum grafting healing stages.

  1. Gum Recession: Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth pulls back, exposing the tooth’s root. This can cause tooth sensitivity and increase your risk of cavities.

  2. Thin or Inadequate Gum Tissue: Some people may have naturally thin or inadequate gum tissue. This can lead to gum recession, cavities, dental sensitivity, and tooth loss. A gum graft can help thicken and strengthen the gum tissue.

  3. Trauma & Injury: Trauma to the gums, such as aggressive brushing or gum disease, can cause the gum tissue to recede or become damaged that need repair.

  4. Aesthetic Improvement: A person may improve the look of their smile through gum grafting by reshaping it and improving the symmetry of their gum line and smile.

  5. Supporting Other Dental Procedures:  You may need gum grafting before undergoing certain procedures like an implant or bridge to ensure that there is enough healthy gum tissue to support the new tooth replacement

The Gum Grafting Cost

The gum grafting cost will obviously vary depending on your individual needs. The factors that will influence the gum grafting price include the location in the mouth, how many teeth are involved, and other necessary treatments to be successful.

On average, the gum grafting cost can range from $500 to $3000 per tooth and possibly more. The cost for a single tooth can be between $500 to $2,000 and for multiple teeth, it can be between $3,000 to $5,000 or more.

Some dental insurance plans do not cover the cost of gum grafting if it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure. However, if the gum grafting is medically necessary for the health of the teeth or to prepare for another dental procedure, your dental insurance may contribute.

It’s best to contact your dental insurance prior to surgery to get the total gum grafting cost. Some dental providers may not participate in your insurance or your insurance may need additional information to evaluate your coverage.

Tips for Fast Gum Grafting Healing

gum grafting cost

The gum grafting healing process and gum grafting healing time may slightly differ for each individual. Supporting your smile’s recovery can lead to fast gum grafting healing stages and reduce any complications. 

Always, always, always follow the post-operative instructions provided to you. Your Dentist, Periodontist, or Oral Surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for the grafted area. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to avoid any problems.

  • Make sure you have a supporting diet. Choose soft foods that will reduce irritation. Avoid foods that will increase irritation like crunchy, spicy, acidic, or salty foods.
  • It is very important to stay hydrated to support the immune system. Water is also great for keeping a clean environment in the mouth.
  • Gently rinsing with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • After the gum grafting healing stages are completed, it’s important to maintain your oral health and gum health. Check out our Healthy Smile Guide to keep your mouth in the best shape.

For more ways to improve gum grafting healing, check out our Tips for Gum Grafting Healing article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is gum graft surgery worth it?

The gums are an important supporting tissue in the mouth for your oral health. If your gums are compromised, gum grafting is a great way to protect your smile and the health of your mouth. Your dentist will be able to work with you to find what is best for you.

Is gum grafting covered by dental or medical insurance?

Gum grafting may not be covered by your dental insurance if it is an elective procedure and not medically necessary. The gum grafting cost may be deemed not necessary by your insurance if it’s for an aesthetic reason. If the gum grafting procedure is proven medically necessary, then your dental insurance may cover some, if not all, of the gum grafting cost. 

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