How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

How TMJ Affects the Entire Body: The 4 Routes of Pain

Understanding How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

TMJ disorder is a common condition that affects the joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull. While TMJ disorder is most commonly associated with pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and neck, it can also have far-reaching effects on the entire body.

In this article, we will explore how TMJ affects the entire body and the potential causes of this condition. We will also discuss treatment options and ways to prevent or manage TMJ pain.

Table of Contents

How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

Most people will experience some discomfort relating to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in their lifetime. The TMJ joint is a high-functioning area that is used daily to chew and speak. How TMJ affects the entire body can be different for everyone and the discomfort can be short-term or long-term.

The Temporomandibular Joint & Disorder

how tmj affects the entire body

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It’s located in front of each ear and allows you to move your jaw up and down, side to side, and in a circular motion. How TMJ affects the entire body can be unique and presents itself in different ways. When this joint becomes inflamed or damaged, it can cause pain and discomfort.

If you get TMJ-related pain regularly, you may have a disorder called TMD. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMD, includes any dysfunction or disability of the temporomandibular joint. How TMJ is treated may depend on the causes of the pain.

Common Causes of Chronic TMJ Pain

There are several factors that may lead to a temporomandibular disorder (TMD). When the TMJ is not supported correctly, chronic pain can occur. How TMJ affects the entire body can be linked to the causes below.

  • Damaged joint cartilage caused by arthritis
  • The jaw is out of alignment causing jaw disk erosion
  • Improper alignment of the bite
  • Trauma to the jaw and jaw joint
  • Long-term grinding and clenching
  • Chronically overworking the jaw with constant movement over time
  • Degenerative joint diseases like Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

An Overview of How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

TMJ disorders affect the joints and supporting muscles that connect the lower jaw to the skull. It can cause a wide range of symptoms, including pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and neck that can radiate down.

TMJ disorder can also lead to headaches, earaches, and problems with the teeth and gums. Some people with TMJ disorders may also experience pain in other areas of the body, such as the shoulders, back, or chest.

How TMJ affects the entire body is through muscle connection. If you think about proper posture it includes the back, shoulders, neck, and head position. When one of these areas is inflamed, the pain can radiate to other areas. In order to make up for the inflamed TMJ, the body will lean on other parts to make up for it.

4 Ways How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

how tmj affects the entire body

How TMJ affects the entire body can present itself in several different ways. TMJ disorder is a complex condition that can cause pain and discomfort in various parts of the body.

The possible route mechanisms by which TMD causes pain in other areas of the body could be explained by:

  1. Referred Pain: TMJ can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and neck, which can radiate to other areas of the body. This is known as referred pain, which is pain that is felt in an area other than the source of the pain.

  2. Muscle Connection: TMJ can lead to muscle tension and spasms in the jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles, which can cause pain and discomfort in these areas. These muscles are connected to other areas of the body where pain radiates.

  3. Nerve Irritation: The nerves in the jaw and face region can become irritated or compressed due to TMD, which can cause pain or numbness in other parts of the body.

  4. Psychosocial Factors: TMJ pain can be caused by stress and anxiety. TMD can also lead to stress and anxiety, which can affect overall health and contribute to pain in other parts of the body. People can hold tension in different areas of the body.

It’s important to note that TMJ can affect people differently, and not everyone with TMJ will experience pain in other areas of the body.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in other areas of the body in addition to TMD symptoms, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Healing How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

There are a few at-home treatments you can do to find fast relief and help support the jaw. Here are some effective at-home treatments for TMJ pain:

  1. Rest Your Jaw: Avoid talking or chewing excessively, and try to eat softer foods.
  2. Apply Heat or Ice: Applying heat to the affected area can help to relax the muscles, while ice can help to reduce swelling and numb the pain.
  3. Take Over-the-Counter Pain Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Always follow any medication instructions by the manufacturer and medical professional.
  4. Avoid Hard or Chewy Foods: Foods that make your jaw work more will stress the TMJ joint and supporting muscles.
  5. Try Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, or other relaxation techniques can help to reduce stress and tension, which may be contributing to your TMJ flare-up.

Check out our article, 10 Proven Ways of Treating TMJ at Home for more tips on relieving pain related to TMD.

Some temporomandibular disorders may require more intervention through medical professionals. This may include oral appliances like night guards or even surgery. Check out our How to Cure TMJ Pain article for more information.

Additional Resources on How TMJ Affects the Entire Body

Frequently Asked Questions

Can TMJ affect your lower body?

There are two ways that TMJ pain can affect other areas of the body. All the muscles are connected and muscular inflammation can cause radiating pain. It can also trigger the body to require more support from other muscles to compromise for the inflamed TMJ supporting muscles. The other way is through the nerves that feed into the spinal cord and connect to the lower body. 

Can TMJ affect the nervous system?

There are nerves throughout our entire body. Like any area, inflammation in the temporomandibular joint can cause destruction in the nerves. This nerve irritation can cause pain and numbness in other areas of the body.

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