tips for whitening teeth

7 Easy to Achieve Tips for Whitening Teeth

Tips for Whitening Teeth

Our tips for whitening teeth will help you whiten your teeth while keeping them healthy. Whether you’re looking to whiten your teeth at home or professionally, it’s important to protect your enamel and not over-whiten.

Our Tooth Whitening Treatment Guide can help you choose what system is best for you, but if you just want some great tips to get you started, then read on!

Table of Contents

Tips for Whitening Teeth

1. Kick the Bad Habits

The best way to whiten your teeth is to not stain them in the first place. Here are the 3 most common habits that cause staining:

  • Drinking: How you drink beverages can impact how they stain the tooth’s surface. Minimizing exposure times can help cut back on staining. It’s better to drink beverages (other than water) in one sitting rather than sipping throughout the day
  • Smoking: Nicotine, tobacco, or any other type of smoke can quickly build up on the tooth’s surface. The stain buildup also adds a rougher surface for bacteria to cling to, increasing your risk of developing a cavity.
  • Mouth Breathing: There are several new studies showing how detrimental mouth breathing is for your health. Breathing through the mouth decreases saliva which washes away food and beverages before they stain the teeth.
Check out our article about mouth breathing and how you can fix the issue: Mouth Breather vs Nose Breather

Removing these habits from your lifestyle can eliminate a large amount of staining from your teeth. This will keep your teeth whiter for much longer in between visits for your dental cleanings.

2. Avoid Staining Beverages

Some of the best tips for whitening teeth are simply what beverages you should avoid. In this case, there are several beverages which stain your teeth more than others. The beverages that you should avoid are:

  • Coffee & Tea: Chromogens are the primary staining agent in these beverages that provide a dark color. The coffee and tea will stain regardless of whether hot, iced, or with/without cream.
  • Dark Sodas: These are acidic, high in sugar, and usually contain a caramel food coloring that stains.
  • Colored Sports Drinks: The added food coloring will stain teeth.
  • Red Wine: Chromogens and tannins will cause staining.

3. Drink Through a Straw

If you simply can’t go without the beverages above, then there is a simple fix that you can put into practice to help eliminate the staining to your teeth.


Drinking through a straw can help prevent stains from building up on the tooth surface. By using a straw, dark liquids will bypass your front teeth and prevent pooling around the tooth surface.

37 million people in the United States used a whitening system to brighten their teeth. Recent studies have shown how many whitening systems have the potential in damaging the enamel layers of the teeth.

To prevent overuse of whitening treatments, prevent stains from building up in the first place.

4. Eat Foods that Help the Whitening Process

Some foods actually can help to whiten your teeth naturally. Adding these foods into your diet is an easy and effective way to make sure that your smiles stays whiter for longer.

  • Pineapples: The enzyme Bromelain acts as a natural stain remover. Be mindful that pineapples are acidic and contain sugar that can weaken enamel, so don’t over do it.
  • Strawberries and Apples: Malic Acid works like a natural astringent removing discoloration on the tooth surface.
  • Cheese: Lactic acid may help remove stains from the enamel and also build strength through calcium and phosphorus. 
  • Water: Although it isn’t food, water is an important habit that can help clear off stains after eating. Frequently sip water throughout the day and with meals.

5. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Our top tips for whitening teeth are simple but very effective. Following these tips is truly the best way to keep your smile bright and healthy. Keeping good oral hygiene will help your whitening treatments last longer and end up saving you money.

  • Brushing: The daily mechanical removal of stain, plaque, and bacteria is vital for maintaining a white smile. An electric toothbrush will efficiently remove all debris and stain.
  • Flossing: Equally as important as brushing, flossing removes stains where the two teeth meet which a toothbrush is unable to properly reach.
  • Dental Visits: Visiting your dental hygienist for a cleaning will remove micro stains from the surface that can’t be done at home. One cleaning can whiten your teeth far more than any at home whitening treatment.

Check out our Healthy Smile Guide for more tips on keeping a healthy, white smile.

6. Use the Proper Whitening Treatments

It can be tempting to try all of the whitening products and treatments out on the market today, but it’s important to avoid the ones that will actually hurt the health of your teeth.

The best thing you can do is ask your dentist which whitening treatment might work best for you. It could be an at-home treatment like whitening strips or a professional treatment that the dentist will perform in office.

  • Whitening Products: There are hundreds of whitening products on the market today that help maintain a white smile. These whitening tools can also help your teeth brighten up a shade or two. Ask your dental professional what whitening products and system is best for your individual smile.
  • Avoid Charcoal Pastes: Charcoal is very abrasive and daily use can destroy the enamel on your teeth. Enamel is the shell of the tooth and is vital to protecting your tooth structure. Enamel wear can cause sensitivity and increase cavity risk.

7. Coconut Oil Products Can Help

Our coconut oil tips for whitening teeth can be very influential to the health of your mouth. Coconut oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Coconut oil is a natural whitener and its antimicrobial properties help target harmful bacteria.

Here are 2 ways your can use coconut oil products to help whiten your teeth:

  • Oil Pulling: Swish with organic, unrefined coconut oil for a few minutes before brushing and flossing. Coconut oil can clog your drain so be sure to spit it out in the garbage can.
  • Coconut Oil Products: Coconut oil in products has become increasingly popular. Our favorite is Coco Floss. The coconut oil-infused floss is antimicrobial and the interwoven fibers help remove plaque and bacteria more efficiently. 

Recommendations on Tips for Whitening Teeth

Overall, the best and fastest way to whiten your teeth is to clean up the foods and beverages you consume while also using some sort of whitening product or treatment. Skipping the staining foods and beverages will make whitening treatments more effective.

It’s best to speak with your dentist and see which whitening treatment they think will work best for you and your teeth. Our tips for whitening teeth will work best when complimented with the professional opinion of your dentist.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I whiten my teeth quickly?

The best way to whiten your teeth quickly is to go to your dentist and work with them on a professional whitening treatment. They will be able to offer the best treatment for your teeth.

Can yellow teeth become white?

The short answer is, yes! Although very yellow teeth might be more difficult to whiten or won’t be able to become very white, it is possible.

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Visit our Take Home Smile store for educational brochures and other fun printables to help with oral hygiene. All products can be customized to fit your dental needs.

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