wisdom teeth removal cost

Budgeting For Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in 2023

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

The total wisdom teeth removal cost can vary depending on each person’s specific needs. Most people have four wisdom teeth that start to develop in the bone around age 9, but some may have less, which can impact the overall cost.

Wisdom teeth development and eruption can cause pain, pressure, and swelling of the mouth, face, and jaw. Wisdom teeth come with teething symptoms just like every other tooth in the mouth.

This article will outline everything that you need to know about wisdom tooth removal cost and what factors can impact the price.

Table of Contents

Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost: Why It's Necessary


The wisdom teeth removal cost can seem high, but it’s necessary for most patients’ oral health. Ignoring your wisdom teeth and not having them removed can lead to serious health issues.

Possible consequences of leaving your wisdom teeth in are:

  • Painful oral cysts can develop and become infected.
  • Infected wisdom teeth can cause permanent bone damage.
  • Damage to other teeth can be caused when a wisdom tooth erupts improperly.
  • Gum disease is common with wisdom teeth due to their position in the mouth.
  • Cavities risk increases with wisdom teeth since they are hard to clean.

If you think you are experiencing symptoms of your wisdom teeth erupting, check out our Common Wisdom Tooth Symptoms article to gain a better understanding.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

According to The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 85% of third molars will eventually need to be extracted. Wisdom tooth surgery is broken down into several stages and appointments.

Factors during these stages will influence the wisdom tooth removal cost. 


A consultation appointment is when the oral surgeon examines your mouth and develops your surgical plan. This initial appointment is the start of your wisdom tooth removal cost.

  • The consultation exam cost can range from $100-$200
  • Necessary dental x-rays are a factored cost. A panoramic x-ray can cost around $100-$150 and a CBCT x-ray can cost $200-$400.


Anesthesia is a necessary component of wisdom teeth surgery. This will ensure that the patient is asleep for the appointment and doesn’t feel any pain. General anesthesia through IV sedation is most commonly used.

The wisdom tooth removal cost range for anesthesia can be from $500-$1000.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

The wisdom teeth removal cost is billed per tooth. The price will vary depending on the position of each tooth, the condition they are in, as well as how many wisdom teeth need to be removed.

  • Simple Extraction: A simple extraction is when the tooth has fully erupted and is in the correct spot in the mouth. The price range is $75-$200.
  • Surgical Extraction of a Soft Tissue Impaction: A soft tissue impacted tooth is when the position is mostly through the bone but not fully erupted in the mouth. The wisdom teeth removal cost is around  $200-$500.
  • Surgical Extraction of a Bony Impaction: With bony impaction, the tooth has not erupted at all and requires intervention with the bone to remove the tooth. Requiring more technique and skill, this extraction is the most costly ranging from $250-$600.

Possible Additional Costs

Every dental extraction is unique and may include additional fees which will obviously impact the total wisdom tooth removal cost. Your dentist and oral surgeon will want you to have the most successful outcome to improve your oral health. Possible additional costs include:

  • Prescriptions: With most surgery, prescribed medications will be given to the patient. Antibiotics, anti-anxiety, and pain medications may be a part of the oral surgeon’s treatment plan.
  • Bone Grafting: If the bone near the wisdom tooth and neighboring teeth are severely compromised, a bone graft may be used to support the overall oral health of the mouth. The type of bone graft will affect the added fee. This is not common with wisdom teeth but can be needed in rare cases.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Depending on the oral health status of the wisdom teeth, follow-up appointments may be needed. These examinations are usually factored into the overall cost.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost and Insurance

Insurance is going to play a huge role in how much of the wisdom tooth removal cost is going to come out of your pocket. Many insurance plans cover wisdom tooth removal, but you will need to check directly with your provider.

As you can see from the costs laid out above, there are many factors that contribute to the overall wisdom tooth removal cost. Some portions may be covered by your insurance, while others may not.

How much of the wisdom tooth removal cost that you’ll be paying out of pocket will greatly depend on your specific surgical needs and your insurance provider.

Before and After Tips for Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost


Having good oral hygiene before and after wisdom teeth surgery is important to the healing stages. Having a successful surgery and healing will require less time, appointments, and prescriptions which will affect the wisdom teeth removal cost.

  • Age: Younger patients heal easier and faster after wisdom teeth surgery. This is due to less bone density and the molar’s roots not being fully formed. 
  • Oral Health: Keeping the mouth clean will improve healing after wisdom teeth extractions. Using a smaller child’s size toothbrush can help efficiently clean around the extraction sites when jaw mobility is limited.
  • Warm Salt Water Rinses: Gently rinse with warm salt water to help soothe the gums and improve healing. 

The better your overall oral health is going into the surgery and the better your aftercare routine is, the more it might positively affect the overall wisdom tooth removal cost.

For more tips with wisdom teeth extractions, check out our Wisdom Teeth Surgery Healing Guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average out-of-pocket cost for wisdom teeth removal?

The average wisdom teeth removal cost before insurance will range from $2000-$3,500. This includes all stages of surgery like consultation, anesthesia, extractions, and follow-up appointments.

Are wisdom teeth covered by insurance?

Most dental insurance plans (excluding accidental coverage only) will cover the total wisdom teeth removal cost if it is medically necessary. Medical insurances will sometimes cover the anesthesia portion.

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