wisdom tooth symptoms

9 Menacing Wisdom Tooth Symptoms

Common Wisdom Tooth Symptoms

Third molars start to erupt around ages 17-21 and possibly later. Most patients do not have enough space in the mouth which leaves them impacted or partially erupted. Impacted and erupting third molars can cause several wisdom tooth symptoms that lead to discomfort.

Table of Contents

Gum Tissue Wisdom Tooth Symptoms


The color of the gum tissues can tell a lot about your body. Healthy, happy gingiva is a consistent light pink coloring. Red to dark purple gum tissue discolorations are common wisdom tooth symptoms.

Bleeding Gums

Wisdom tooth symptoms can appear in the gums in multiple ways. The gingival irritation that comes with teeth erupting can cause the area to bleed. You may even experience some bleeding around the second molars.

Small White Spots

Small hard white spots behind your second molars is a wisdom tooth symptom of the tooth erupting through the gums. The white spots are the cusps of the new tooth starting to pop through.

Wisdom Tooth Symptoms of Pain


Jaw Pain

Third molars start developing in the jaw and start to erupt around ages 17-21. The movement through the jaw bone can cause painful pressure that lasts in cycles of 7-10 days. Jaw pain is one of the most common wisdom tooth symptoms. For more ways to relieve wisdom tooth symptoms, check out our Jaw Pain from Wisdom Teeth article.

Facial Muscle Pain

Swelling from wisdom teeth can cause pain in the muscles of the face. Clenching and grinding wisdom tooth symptoms can also overwork the jaw muscles causing pain.

Eye & Ear Pain

The movement of wisdom teeth through the bone and gums can sometimes apply pressure on nerves that causes pain around the eyes and ears. This pain is less common than jaw pain. Sometimes ear pain can be caused by the TMJ. Our Ear Pain from TMJ article has additional information.

Unxpected Wisdom Tooth Symptoms

Bad Breath

Wisdom tooth symptoms of partially erupted third molars can cause food particles to become trapped and cause an unpleasant odor. The bacteria involved in infected gum tissue can also cause symptoms of bad breath.

Unpleasant Taste

Upper wisdom teeth can cause sinus inflammation and lead to sinus drainage. This can affect the taste in the mouth. Similar to bad breath, bacteria and trapped food particles in partially erupted teeth can cause an unpleasant taste.

Difficuluty Moving Jaw

The movement of wisdom teeth erupting through the jaw bone can cause pressure creating stiffness in the jaw. The muscles associated with jaw movements can also become fatigued

Soothing Wisdom Tooth Symptoms

treating tmj at home
  • Heat: Relax your muscles and can help relieve aches and stiffness. 
  • Cold compresses: Relieve pain and reduce any present swelling in the muscles or tissue.
  • Over-the-counter pain relief: NSAIDs relieve pain temporarily until you can see your dental or medical professional.

Our Essential Guide to Wisdom Teeth Growing In has additional information and tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are signs that your wisdom teeth are coming in?

The most common wisdom tooth symptoms are jaw pain and gum tissue pain. Consult your dentist about seeing an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth removal.

Can wisdom teeth make you sick?

While the symptoms involved in the natural progression of third molar teething will not make you sick, infections can. Infected wisdom teeth can cause severe jaw pain, headaches, and even a fever. Consult your dentist if you think you have an oral infection.

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