dental laser cleaning laser dentistry for cavities

What to Expect With A Dental Laser Cleaning, Cavities, & More

Laser Dentistry for Cavities & Dental Laser Cleaning

The dentistry field is continually evolving to expand treatments in order to improve the health of your smile and total overall health. The use of a dental laser cleaning and laser dentistry for cavities are used more to boost your oral health in a safe and targeted approach. 

In this article, we’ll break down a dental laser cleaning, laser dentistry for cavities, and other dentistry laser treatments. 

Table of Contents

How Dental Laser Cleanings & Laser Dentistry for Cavities Are Used

A laser is used in several dental procedures including laser dentistry for cavities and a dental laser cleaning. The laser beam is directed at the tooth or gum tissue where intense heat is used. The laser sterilizes the area, killing bacteria and hardening the filling material.

Biopsies and TMJ treatments benefit from laser dentistry. The lasers can also be used for several cosmetic treatments such as gum reshaping and teeth whitening. 

Laser Dentistry for Cavities

dental laser cleaning laser dentistry for cavities

Treating tooth decay has expanded to laser dentistry for cavities. The targeted laser beam is directed at the cavity where heat is applied to the tooth. The intense heat from the laser sterilizes the area, killing bacteria and removing the decayed portion of the tooth.

Because the laser beam is so accurate, it can remove the decay without damaging the healthy portion of the tooth. It can also harden the filling material efficiently which helps the integrity of the filling. Additionally, the laser’s ability to sterilize the area can help to reduce the risk of infection and postoperative sensitivity.

Dental Laser Cleaning

A dental laser cleaning is a great way to get the most out of your dental cleaning. Your dental hygienist will add the use of a laser to target bacteria and improve the health of your gums.

 The laser beam is directed at the gum tissue after your dental hygienist cleans the teeth. A dental laser cleaning helps to remove the bacteria and any gum tissue that may be inflamed and irritated. The laser also helps to stimulate the growth of healthy tissue and promotes blood flow to the area to improve healing.

Treating Gum Disease

A dental laser cleaning can be used to treat gum disease, also known as periodontitis. The laser beam is directed at the affected gum tissue, which helps to remove the bacteria and infected tissue that is causing the disease. Lasers promote the healing of any infected tissue by increasing blood flow to the area. 

One type of dental laser cleaning treatment for gum disease is called LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure). This treatment uses a specific wavelength on the laser that targets only the bacteria and diseased tissue, leaving the healthy tissue intact. Additionally, the laser’s ability to sterilize the area can help to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing.

Another common laser treatment is called Scaling and Root Planing (SRP). This is a deep cleaning procedure that uses a targeted laser to clean below the gum line, smoothing the root surface, which can help to reduce future bacterial growth and inflammation.

For more information on Gum Disease, check out our articles below.

Other Dentistry Laser Treatments

dental laser cleaning lasers dentistry for cavities

Laser dentistry for cavities and a dental laser cleaning are very common dentistry laser treatments. They both help improve the health of your mouth using a safe, target laser beam. There are also other dentistry laser treatments that help improve your smile and keep your mouth healthy.

Gum Contouring

A laser can be used in gum contouring to reshape the gums. This dentistry laser treatment is also known as gingivectomy or gingivoplasty. Gum contouring is a cosmetic dental procedure that reshapes the gums to improve the appearance of a person’s smile. It can also help reduce gum pocket depth to make it easier to clean. 

The laser beam is directed at the gum tissue where the heat from the laser vaporizes the tissue, allowing the dentist to reshape the gum line. Laser gum contouring is a precise and gentle procedure that allows the dentist to remove or reshape small or large amounts of gum tissue.

Laser gum contouring can be completed in one visit, with minimal bleeding and swelling. You may or may not need any numbing for the procedure. Using dentistry laser gum contouring has a faster recovery time compared to a traditional surgical procedure for gum contouring.


A laser can be used in dentistry for a biopsy, which is the removal of a small sample of tissue for examination under a microscope. A laser-assisted biopsy is a quick and efficient way to obtain a tissue sample. It is then used to diagnose a wide range of oral diseases, including cancer, cysts, and benign tumors.

The laser beam is directed at the area of concern, and the intense heat from the laser vaporizes the tissue, allowing the dentist to remove a small sample of it with minimal discomfort or bleeding. The laser will also sterilize the area to help to reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, the laser’s ability to cauterize the blood vessels during the biopsy procedure can help to minimize bleeding and postoperative pain.

Teeth Whitening

The laser is used to activate a bleaching agent that is applied to the teeth to whiten them. The laser increases the effectiveness of the bleaching agent by breaking down the stain molecules on the teeth. This allows the bleaching agent to penetrate the tooth enamel more effectively.

The dentist will apply a protective gel to the gums, and then a whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide to the teeth. The laser activates the whitening gel to break down the stain molecules and whitens the teeth. This method is considered to be faster and more effective than other teeth common whitening methods.

Check out our articles on Teeth Whitening below.

TMJ Disorder

A laser can be used to treat a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), a condition that affects the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. The laser beam is directed at the affected area, which can help to reduce inflammation, pain and promote healing.

One specific treatment for TMJ disorder that uses laser is called Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) also known as Cold laser therapy directed at the affected area. LLLT has been shown to promote healing in the soft tissue of the jaw and the temporomandibular joint.

Another treatment that uses a laser is called Arthroscopy. This is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a small camera and laser to visualize and treat the internal structures of the jaw joint. This procedure can help to remove any abnormal tissue or bone spurs that may be causing pain or limited jaw movement.

Dental Laser Cleaning, Laser Dentistry for Cavities, & Other Treatments

Dentistry laser treatments like laser dentistry for cavities and a dental laser cleaning are great ways to improve your oral health in a safe and effective way. Your dental team will help support you in the best way to improve the health of your smile. In some cases, dentistry laser is not recommended and a more traditional technique is best suited. 

Always consult your dentist and dental hygienist before using any dentistry laser treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does laser deep cleaning hurt?

There can be some discomfort with any technique used in deep cleanings. Your dental hygienist or dentist will provide numbing to the area to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.

Does laser cavity filling hurt?

Similar to traditional techniques to remove a cavity, it depends on how deep the cavity is. In most cases, your dentist will numb the teeth in order to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the entire procedure. If the dentist needs to clean out the most superficial layers of the tooth, then you may not need any numbing. Consult your dentist.

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