root canal untreated

What Happens With a Root Canal Untreated?

What Can Happen if You Leave a Root Canal Untreated?

A root canal is a common dental procedure that is used to treat the infected or damaged nerves of a tooth. Over 15 million successful root canals are performed each year in the United States. If a root canal is left untreated, it can lead to any number of serious complications, including tooth loss, abscesses, and even systemic infections.

In this article, we will explore the potential consequences of what can happen if you leave a root canal untreated, as well as the importance of seeking timely and appropriate treatment.

Table of Contents

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a way to treat a tooth that is damaged badly and the nerve is affected. A root canal untreated may lead to an extraction. Root canals are usually performed by an Endodontist, or a root canal specialist, and can be done in one easy appointment.

You may need a root canal if:

  1. You have a large, untreated cavity in the tooth that has reached the inside layer of the tooth called the pulp.
  2. A bad infection is present in a tooth. Signs of an infection are a pimple or abscess at the gum line, facial swelling, or swollen gums creating pressure that does not go away.
  3. Continual pain that gets worse and does not go away. Pain may be present when sleeping or eating.
  4. Your tooth starts to change color and turns grey.
  5.  Your tooth starts to become mobile or loose.

How a Root Canal is Treated

A root canal procedure is actually fairly simple and can help you avoid leaving a root canal untreated. The appointment can take around 30 – 90 minutes but sometimes longer if more complicated. A root canal involves:

  1. Removing the nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues inside the tooth.
  2. After the removal of the inside pulp, the canals of the roots and pulp chamber will be filled up with material.
  3. Finally, a permanent restoration will need to be placed like a tooth filling or crown.

After completion, the treated root canal tooth will need some time to heal. After the tooth fully heals, it will return back to its normal function and be as good as new. For more information on the healing process, check out our Root Canal Recover Timeline article.

Untreated Root Canal Sympoms

untreated root canal

Tooth decay, also known as a cavity, will continue to grow until it is treated. Infections will continue to be present until the root cause is treated. If a root canal untreated is present, the cavity will continue to grow and consume the tooth. The root canal untreated will lead to an infection that can compromise the tooth, permanently harm the supporting bone, and in rare cases become fatal.

Signs and symptoms of infection for an untreated root canal are:

  • An abscess, or fluid-filled pimple, near the gumline
  • Pain waking you up at night
  • Lingering pain throughout the day that won’t go away
  • Sudden tooth mobility
  • Gum pain and bleeding
  • Facial swelling

What Can Happen if You Leave a Root Canal Untreated?

Leaving a root canal untreated can lead to several serious complications. These complications can include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Tooth Loss: An untreated root canal can cause the tooth to become broken down to the point of needing an extraction.
  2. Abscess Tooth: An untreated root canal can lead to the formation of an abscess, which is a pocket of pus that forms at the end of the tooth’s root. An abscess is a sign of an infection in the tooth.
  3. Spreading of the Infection: The infected pulp in an untreated root canal can spread to the supporting bone and tissue, leading to permanent damage. This can cause facial swelling, fever, and even sepsis if left untreated.
  4. Damage to Adjacent Teeth: The infection from an untreated root canal can spread to adjacent teeth, causing damage and the need for additional treatment.
  5. Systemic Infections: In rare cases, an untreated root canal can lead to systemic infections, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Infections in the teeth can travel through the bloodstream throughout the body.

A root canal untreated can cause permanent damage to the mouth. Always consult your dentist to prevent any serious complications. Any infections in the body should be taken seriously and be under the supervision of a medical professional.

Root Canal Technology and Advacements

The treatment of root canal infections has seen tremendous advancements in recent years. Thanks to improved techniques and new technologies, root canal procedures are safer and more effective than ever.

A big advancement is using microscopes and other digital imaging tools during treatment. By helping to provide a clear, detailed view of the affected area, these tools can enhance the accuracy and success of surgical interventions.

Additionally, advances in bacteria research have led to highly specialized antimicrobial agents capable of killing even the most challenging strains of bacteria that can cause infection. This includes toothpaste and mouthwash to help keep your smile healthy.

Additional Resources on Root Canals

root canal untreated

A root canal is a great procedure option to save your tooth and improve your oral health. We have several informative articles for you to learn more about root canals to support your smile.

Always consult your dentist to help you make the right choice for your smile. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you leave a root canal untreated?

A root canal untreated will continue to leave the tooth in a fragile state. The tooth decay will continue to grow and compromise the tooth, destroying the structure. This can cause the tooth to fracture into pieces and become infected. There needs to be enough intact tooth structure to perform a root canal and place a permanent crown restoration.

How long can an infected root canal go untreated?

Every tooth is unique and there is no correct amount of time to let a root canal go untreated. Several factors that influence a tooth’s timeline include the cause of the needed root canal, the bacteria in the mouth, oral hygiene, and if the tooth already has a dental restoration. It’s important to be honest with your dentist to prevent future infections and permanent damage. 

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