root canal infections Root Canal Infection Symptoms Infected Root Canal Symptoms Symptoms of Root Canal Infection

Root Canal Infections: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Root Canal Infections

Root canals are one of the most common dental procedures. Though they’re routine for many dentists, root canals still carry a bit of mystery and anxiety for patients.

What are root canals? What happens during the procedure? How long does it take? And most importantly, are they painful?

This article covers everything you need to know about root canal infections including diagnosis and treatment options.

Table of Contents

What Are Root Canal Infections?

Root canal infections, also known as endodontic disease or simply a root canal issue, is a condition that affects the nerves and tissues inside the root canals of your teeth.

Root canal infections typically occur due to excess exposure to bacteria or toxins in the mouth, either through poor oral hygiene habits or other factors like jaw trauma.

Root Canal Infection Symptoms

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In general, the signs of a root canal infection include pain or tenderness in the affected teeth, red and swollen gums, and pus or drainage from the infected area.

Other possible symptoms include a change in the tooth’s appearance, difficulty chewing, or sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

Infected root canal symptoms include:

  1. You have a large, untreated cavity in the tooth that has reached the inside layer of the tooth called the pulp.
  2. A bad infection is present in a tooth. Signs of an infection are a pimple or abscess at the gum line, facial swelling, or swollen gums creating pressure that does not go away.
  3. Continual pain that gets worse and does not go away. Pain may be present when sleeping or eating.
  4. Your tooth starts to change color and turns grey.
  5.  Your tooth starts to become mobile or loose.

Causes of Root Canal Infections

A root canal is a way to treat a tooth that is badly damaged or even infected. Several factors contribute to root canal infections and can influence the needed dental treatments. Common causes of root canal infections are:

  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Plaque and other debris build up along the roots of teeth and where harmful bacteria become active and cause damage.
  • Dental Trauma: Trauma to the face and mouth may cause chips or cracks in the enamel. This force can cause an infection that may take up to months or years to occur.
  • Poor Habits: Smoking or chewing tobacco can cause inflammation and irritation in the mouth. Harmful bacteria can become active and make you more at risk for infections.

While root canal infections are typically treatable with antibiotics or other medications, it is vital to seek treatment early to prevent further complications or damage to the teeth.

Treating Root Canal Infections

Several treatment options are available when dealing with a root canal infection. Some of the most common treatments include antibiotics to control the condition and reduce inflammation.

Pain medications can help manage any associated pain or discomfort. Alternate hot and cold compresses can help to soothe symptoms and reduce any facial swelling or inflammation.

Retreatment of a root canal may be needed to save the tooth and prevent further infections. Your dental team can help find the best treatment option to ensure optimal healing and recovery.

If you’re curious how much a root canal might cost, check out our article Root Canal Cost: A Full Pricing Guide

Steps Of A Root Canal Infections Procedure

A root canal treatment usually takes one appointment and is done by an Endodontist specialist. This treatment aims to maintain healthy teeth by removing the source of infection and preventing the onset of more severe complications such as ulcers and abscesses.

The root canal infection procedure includes:

  1. Removing the nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues inside the tooth.
  2. After the removal of the inside pulp, the canals of the roots and pulp chamber will be filled up with material.
  3. Finally, a permanent restoration will need to be placed like a tooth filling or crown.

For some individuals, root canals fail and root canal infections occur. If you have been diagnosed with a root canal infection or other dental problem, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s instructions to recover and prevent further complications.

To learn more about recovering from a root canal, check out our article Root Canal Recovery Timeline.

Preventing Symptoms of Root Canal Infection

In most cases, root canal infections are preventable and can be avoided. Practices that prevent a root canal infection are:

  • Good oral hygiene including brushing two times a day and flossing your teeth.
  • Routine dental cleanings at least every 6 months to remove harmful bacteria and catch any problems early.
  • Avoid eating hard or sugary foods that could damage your teeth and lead to infection.

Following these tips can significantly reduce your risk of developing a root canal infection and keep your smile looking healthy and radiant.

For a full general guide on how to make sure you’re practicing great oral health techniques, check out our Healthy Smile Guide

Root Canal Technology and Advacements

The treatment of root canal infections has seen tremendous advancements in recent years. Thanks to improved techniques and new technologies, root canal procedures are safer and more effective than ever.

A big advancement is using microscopes and other digital imaging tools during treatment. By helping to provide a clear, detailed view of the affected area, these tools can enhance the accuracy and success of surgical interventions.

Additionally, advances in bacteria research have led to highly specialized antimicrobial agents capable of killing even the most challenging strains of bacteria that can cause infection. This includes toothpastes and mouthwash to help keep your smile healthy.

Consult Your Dentist About Infected Root Canal Symptoms

If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of a root canal infection, please seek treatment immediately. A root canal infection can be excruciating and may lead to a tooth extraction if left untreated.

However, by following these prevention tips and seeking treatment early, you can avoid most of the pain and expense associated with root canal infections.

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