tooth gray

Why is Your Tooth Gray? Answering All Your Questions About Why Your Tooth is Gray

Why Is My Tooth Gray?

Over time, teeth can change color and turn gray. There are several different reasons why a tooth changes color over time. Understanding the reason why your tooth is gray will impact how to treat your teeth to make them strong and white again.

This article will go over the most common reasons why you have a gray tooth and how to treat it.

Table of Contents

Reasons For A Tooth Turning Gray

specialties of dentistry

Is your tooth gray? There are several different reasons why your tooth is turning a different color. Some of these tooth gray causes can be avoided, while others are out of your control. Reasons for a tooth turning gray are:

Tooth Trauma

If a tooth is hit hard enough, the nerve of the tooth can die. Trauma to the tooth can cut off the blood flow to the tooth. This can be a reason why your tooth turning gray is occurring. It can take months to even years after a trauma occurred for a tooth gray discoloration. 

Gray Tooth Stain

Over time, stains can build up on the teeth causing them to look gray, yellow, or brown. Thankfully, most stains can be removed through dental cleanings and whitening products. Gray tooth stains can be caused by:

  • Certain foods and beverages like dark drinks, berries, and pasta sauce. 
  • Tobacco use
  • Certain prescribed medications


tooth gray

Certain medications can make a tooth gray. This side effect is a permanent discoloration, not a stain that can be removed. The two most common medications that can make a tooth gray are:

  • Tetracycline: This is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. It can be used to treat respiratory infections such as pneumonia. It can also be used to treat infections in the skin, intestinal tract, eyes, and urinary systems. Gray discoloration of the teeth can occur if Tetracycline is taken as a child or a mother during pregnancy.

Root Canal Side Effect

A root canal is a way to treat a tooth that is damaged badly or infected in order to prevent the need to remove it. Root canals are usually performed by an Endodontist, a dental specialist, and can be done in one easy appointment.

Ingredients used during the root canal procedure can be a reason why a tooth is turning gray. Ledermix is a paste used for a root canal. Ultracal XS can also make a tooth gray after the root canal. 

To learn more about root canals, check out our articles below.

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta is a disorder of tooth development. It can permanently affect baby teeth and adult teeth. This disorder is caused by a genetic change in the DSPP gene. This genetic change may be a reason for a tooth gray. This disorder causes:

  • Tooth discoloration that makes teeth appear grey and translucent
  • Abnormalities in root development of teeth
  • Weakened enamel 
  • Fragile teeth more prone to fractures and decay


tooth gray

The teeth age just like other parts of the body. The natural process of aging of the teeth can make a tooth gray. It can also make them appear more translucent. This can be from the enamel outer layer of the teeth thinning, exposing the inner layers of the teeth.


A cavity occurs when a portion of the tooth is decayed and becomes damaged. A cavity starts to form from bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria and their acid weaken the tooth by demineralizing and breaking down the tooth’s structure.

A cavity can be discolored and cause the tooth to become gray. To learn more about cavities, check out our articles below:

Fixing a Tooth Gray Discoloration

There are several ways your dentist can treat a gray tooth. Your dental team will help find out why your teeth are gray and what’s the best way to treat it. There are many different cosmetic dental restorations you can get to help you achieve a strong smile. There are also many different whitening treatments that can help target your gray teeth.

Talk with your dental team to find out what works best for you and your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does a gray tooth go away?

Gray discoloration on a tooth will not go away on its own. In most cases, dental treatment will need to be done by your dentist or dental hygienist in order to restore the tooth to a bright white. Whitening treatments, dental fillings, crowns, or other cosmetic procedures all help improve the color of the teeth.

Does a gray tooth hurt?

Depending on the reason why your tooth has turned gray will influence what symptoms you may feel. In most cases, pain is not associated with your tooth turning gray. If the discoloration is caused by a cavity, pain and sensitivity may occur until treated by your dentist.

How quickly does a tooth turn grey?

In most cases, a tooth turning gray is a slow progression. If it’s due to trauma, it could take months or even years for a tooth to change colors. If it’s due to a cavity or stain buildup, it could take a few months to develop. Your dental professionals can help diagnose and treat your gray tooth and help keep your smile strong.

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